Bettering oneself is a lifelong process, and the continuous search for knowledge is indispensable to self-improvement. Pursuing educational and training opportunities allows individuals to enhance themselves both personally and professionally. Fortunately, technological advances have made these opportunities more accessible to the average person.
Due to improvements in technology, geographic remoteness and busy schedules no longer have to be impediments to the quest for knowledge. Computers have greatly enhanced people’s ability to improve themselves through personal initiative. In today’s world, individuals located far from population centers and those who don’t have time in their schedules to attend classes in person can utilize e-learning technology to take training and educational courses.
Egypt is making great strides in attempting to take advantage of the tremendous potential benefits offered by e-learning, and the government has been very active in this regard. One manifestation of this commitment was the establishment of the e-Learning Competence Center by the Ministry of Communications & Information Technology (MCIT) in partnership with Cisco. In another prominent example of the effort being exerted to take advantage of technology’s educational potential, the Egyptian e-Learning University was created by presidential decree in 2008.
The business community must embrace and nurture this trend, taking steps to expand the e-learning industry here in Egypt – both on its own and in partnership with the government. Increased cooperation between the government and business community can play an invaluable role in helping this technology to gain more prominence on the Egyptian scene.
Making e-learning more widespread will help individuals to improve their own personal situations, as well as contribute to the creation of a more highly skilled and competitive labor force. In addition to educational courses, e-learning can facilitate employee training – benefiting both employees and employers.
The Chamber recognizes the value and importance of e-learning, and has taken action to help its spread in Egypt. By facilitating discussion of e-learning, AmCham is working to disseminate information about development of the technology and its benefits. Just last month, the Human Resources and International Cooperation committees held a meeting titled “E-Learning: Latest Trends and Solutions.” A number of influential guest speakers attended, including participants from the private sector.
The Chamber is also actively involved in increasing the availability of online learning technology. AmCham offers an Online Training Service, where participants can take courses in a diverse number of areas, such as investing fundamentals, grammar and computer basics. Test prep courses and tutorials for different computer programs are also available.
Helping people help themselves is a laudable goal. By promoting e-learning technology in Egypt, the Chamber is doing its part, and we look forward to continuing this work into the future.
President, AmCham Egypt
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